I initially designed this map with a multi-team Capture the Flag in mind. 4 teams of 3
I created this map from start to finish and only during play testing did I realize that
capture the flag and assault only supports 2 teams….I know….lol…….
So…..That's when I decided to create Two variations
Edifice: 2 teams of 6 with game types capture the flag and assault.
Edifice Quad: 4 teams of 3 with game types Team Slayer king of the hill and odd ball (multiball)
down load Edifice QuadEdifice QuadEdifice: (Ed"i*fice\, n.)
An elaborate structure:, esp. one of large size or imposing appearance.
:applied to a elegant large structure
Edifice Quad is a multi squad based map for 3v3v3v3 featuring game types Team Slayer
King Of The Hill and Odd Ball
(multi ball/2 sculls in play)The map consists of four
(symmetrical) basses located at all four corners of the map.
The basses consist of multiple entry ways into the base including one front entrances and a tunnel system
that can be accessed from one side of the basses.
Located in the center of the map is a large structure that houses the spanker in its belly.
The structure will also lead you to a catwalk were the sniper resides.
WeaponsBattle Rifle
Equipment Oversheild
Active Camo
Bubble Shield
Land Mine
Deployable Shield
This map has been brought 2 u by the Se7enth Legion and Division 69
down load Edifice Quadcheck out my other great maps
ClaustrophobiaF.U.B.A.R.CoreBarrier Tower 14RunnerTele HorrorTransgressionAspireHigh TreasonSome feed back would be appreciated. Thanks